Poetry / Nance Van Winckel
:: Standard Aerosol ::
Gold Silence on a shelf,
may it mutter us
as riders upon a crest,
froth at our feet, our wild spray,
the uppercase AH!
of our were
against a wall.
From the writer
:: Account ::
I’ve been photographing graffiti and wall art for many years, and lately I’ve been experimenting with adding (digitally) my own tiny bits of text to the “conversation.” (See above.) I appreciate the in-your-faceness of wall-writing. In my dreams my poems are not on paper, in books, or online. They are on walls and appear as snippets of larger and ongoing exchanges. “Standard Aerosol,” now the title poem for a book of graffiti-inspired poems, is, in a way, an ode to those dreams, or an homage to the graffer life I lead there.
Nance Van Winckel has published six collections of poetry, most recently Pacific Walkers (U. of Washington Press, 2013), and four collections of short fiction. A novel in the form of a photo scrapbook is forthcoming this fall. She teaches in the MFA in Writing Program at Vermont College of Fine Arts. Her text-based digital collage works have appeared in Cincinnati Review, Body, PANK, Sleeping Fish Review, Kenyon Review Online, Poetry Northwest, and other journals.
More of her text-based digital collage work may be viewed here: