About Us

:: Mission ::

The Account: A Jour­nal of Poet­ry, Prose, and Thought orig­i­nat­ed late one night. We were inter­est­ed in the con­ver­sa­tions that could arise when an account was paired with cre­ative work. We imag­ined a jour­nal where writ­ers could offer such accounts beside their poems and prose, and where artists could offer the same pair­ing of work and aes­thet­ic statement. 

account =  his­to­ry, sketch, mark­er, repos­i­to­ry of influences 

An account of a spe­cif­ic work traces its arc—through texts and world—while giv­ing voice to the artist’s approach. The literary/art market’s tidal wave can tend to engulf the maker’s account of the work. We believe that an account can restore the rela­tion­ship between artist and aesthetic. 

The Account: A Jour­nal of Poet­ry, Prose, and Thought encour­ages writ­ers to sub­mit work of any aes­thet­ic. All work must be sub­mit­ted with an account.

Our writ­ers have won the Push­cart Prize and Best of the Net.

Inter­est­ed in sub­mit­ting work? Check out our guide­lines.

 Fol­low The Account on twit­ter and on Face­book

Con­tact: poetryprosethought@gmail.com


:: Masthead ::

Sean Cho A., Edi­tor-in-Chief

Sean Cho A. is the author of Amer­i­can Home (Autumn House 2021) win­ner of the Autumn House Press chap­book con­test. His work can be found in The New Eng­land Review, Black War­rior Review, Cop­per Nick­el, The Mass­a­chu­setts Review, among oth­ers. Sean is a grad­u­ate of the MFA pro­gram at The Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia Irvine and a PhD Stu­dent at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cincin­nati. He is a Vis­it­ing Pro­fes­sor of Instruc­tion at a Region­al Uni­ver­si­ty in the Mid­west. Find him @phlat_soda


Lau­ren Brazeal Garza, Inter­views and Reviews Editor

Lau­ren Brazeal Garza received her M.F.A in poet­ry from Ben­ning­ton Col­lege, and is com­plet­ing her Ph.D. in lit­er­a­ture from UT Dal­las, where she is also a cre­ative writ­ing instruc­tor. She is the author of the full length col­lec­tion Gut­ter (Yes Yes Books, 2018), a mem­oir-in-verse about her home­less­ness as a teenag­er. She has also pub­lished three chap­books of poet­ry, most recent­ly, San­ta Muerte, San­ta Muerte: I Was Here, Release Me (Tram Edi­tions, 2023), a series of fic­tion­al inter­views with ghosts. Her poet­ry, lyric essays, and fic­tion has appeared in Poet­ry North­west, Waxwing, and Verse Dai­ly among many oth­er jour­nals. She can be found haunt­ing her web­site at www.lbrazealgarza.com


Nico­la Koh, Fic­tion Editor 

Nico­la Koh is a Malaysian Eurasian 17 years in the Amer­i­can Mid­west, an athe­ist who lost their faith com­plet­ing their Mas­ters of The­ol­o­gy, and a minor god of Tetris. They got their MFA from Ham­line Uni­ver­si­ty and were a 2018 VONA/Voices and 2019/20 Loft Men­tors Series fel­low. Their fic­tion has appeared in places like the Mar­gins, Fatal Flaw Lit­er­ary Mag­a­zine, and the Brown Ori­ent. Nico­la enjoys tak­ing too many pic­tures of their ani­mal fren­e­mies, craft­ing puns, and lis­ten­ing to pub­lic domain audio books after injur­ing their neck read­ing (which they con­sole them­selves by call­ing a lit­er­ary wound of hon­our). See more at nicolakoh.com.


Rachele Salvi­ni, Non­fic­tion Editor 

Rachele Salvi­ni is an Ital­ian writer based in the Unit­ed States, where she is pur­su­ing a PhD in Eng­lish and Cre­ative Writ­ing at Okla­homa State Uni­ver­si­ty. She is a bilin­gual writer and trans­la­tor, and her sto­ries, essays, and trans­la­tions in Eng­lish have been pub­lished in Lunch Tick­et, Nec­es­sary Fic­tion, Mod­ern Poet­ry in Trans­la­tion, and oth­ers. One of her essays won the 2020 edi­tion of the Stir­ling Spoon con­test “Iden­ti­ty in Amer­i­ca.” At the moment she is trans­lat­ing and edit­ing a col­lec­tion of work by British and Amer­i­can authors, forth­com­ing in Italy by Digres­sioni Editore. 



Christi­na Stod­dard, Poet­ry Edi­tor, Man­ag­ing Editor 

Christi­na Stod­dard is the author of Hive, which won the 2015 Brit­ting­ham Prize in Poet­ry (Uni­ver­si­ty of Wis­con­sin Press). Her work has appeared in sto­rySouthTupe­lo Quar­ter­lyIron Horse Lit­er­ary Review, DIAGRAM, and Spoon Riv­er Poet­ry Review. Orig­i­nal­ly from the Pacif­ic North­west, Christi­na lives in Nashville, TN where she is the man­ag­ing edi­tor of an eco­nom­ics and deci­sion the­o­ry jour­nal. Vis­it her online at www.christinastoddard.com and on Twit­ter at @belles_lettres


L. A. John­son, Assis­tant Poet­ry Edi­tor  

L. A. John­son is from Cal­i­for­nia. She is the author of the chap­book Lit­tle Cli­mates (Bull City Press, 2017). She is cur­rent­ly pur­su­ing her PhD in cre­ative writ­ing at the Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Cal­i­for­nia, where she is a Mid­dle­ton Fel­low. The win­ner of the 2022 Mis­sis­sip­pi Review Poet­ry Prize, the 2022 Greens­boro Review Poet­ry Prize, and the 2021 Rumi Prize in Poet­ry from Arts & Let­ters, her poems have recent­ly appeared in The Amer­i­can Poet­ry Review, Poet­ry Mag­a­zine, ZYZZYVA, and else­where. She’s received sup­port from Bread Loaf Writ­ers’ Con­fer­ence, Sewa­nee Writ­ers’ Con­fer­ence, Ver­mont Stu­dio Cen­ter, and else­where. Find her online at www.la-johnson.com.

Megha Nayar, Assis­tant Fic­tion Edi­tor  

Megha Nayar teach­es Eng­lish and French for a liv­ing, and writes short sto­ries to decon­struct her expe­ri­ence of wom­an­hood in mod­ern-day India. Her work has appeared in var­i­ous lit mags. She has a chap­book com­ing out with Fah­mi­dan Pub­lish­ing in April 2023.

Megha was longlist­ed for the Com­mon­wealth Short Sto­ry Prize 2020, and was a mentee-in-train­ing on the British Coun­cil’s Write Beyond Bor­ders pro­gramme of 2021. In May 2022, she was a Writer-in-Res­i­dence at the Crest­ed Butte Cen­ter for the Arts, Col­orado. Megha is on Twit­ter @meghas­nat­ter. She is cur­rent­ly study­ing Span­ish and hopes to teach three lan­guages by 2024.



Tyler Mills, Founding/Consulting Editor 

Tyler Mills is the author of City Scat­tered (Snow­bound Chap­book Award, Tupe­lo Press 2022), Hawk Para­ble (Akron Poet­ry Prize, Uni­ver­si­ty of Akron Press 2019), Tongue Lyre (Crab Orchard Series in Poet­ry First Book Award, South­ern Illi­nois Uni­ver­si­ty Press 2013), and co-author with Kendra DeCo­lo of Low Bud­get Movie (Diode Edi­tions Chap­book Prize, Diode Edi­tions 2021). Her non­fic­tion man­u­script-in-progress, The Bomb Cloud, recent­ly received a Lit­er­a­ture Grant from the Café Roy­al Foun­da­tion NYC. A poet and essay­ist, her poems have appeared in The New York­erThe GuardianThe New Repub­licThe Believ­er, and Poet­ry, and her essays in AGNIBrevi­tyCop­per Nick­elRiv­er Teeth, and The Rum­pus. She teach­es for Sarah Lawrence College’s Writ­ing Insti­tute, is a Founding/Consulting Edi­tor of The Account, and lives in Brooklyn. 

Bri­an­na Noll, Founding/Consulting Edi­tor

Bri­an­na Noll is the author of The Era of Dis­con­tent (Elixir Press, 2021), win­ner of the Elixir Press 20th Annu­al Poet­ry Award, and The Price of Scar­let (Uni­ver­si­ty Press of Ken­tucky, 2017), which was named one of the top poet­ry books of 2017 by the Chica­go Review of Books. Founding/Consulting Edi­tor of The Account, her poems and trans­la­tions have appeared wide­ly in jour­nals, includ­ing the Keny­on Review OnlineThe Geor­gia ReviewPrairie SchoonerCrazy­horse, and Waxwing. She lives in Maui.