2 Poems

Poetry / Chelsea Rathburn 


:: Why I Can’t Watch Poltergeist ::

Because the horror played in endless loops
on HBO the summer I was eight

and my cousins made me watch when no adults 
were home, then told me that I couldn’t tell. 

Because the trap door to our attic hid 
inside my closet, just like the one in the movie, 

so my closet no longer softly glowed 
but seemed to seethe with light from one bare bulb, 

and my cousins all swore it was a portal 
to the Other Side, and though I called them liars

I worried it was true. Because when I learned, 
years later, about the ancient burial mounds 

of the Tequesta that Henry Flagler leveled 
to build Miami’s first grand hotel,

I thought of the scene with the muddy swimming pool
and all the angry skeletons roiling in it, 

and their fury seemed reasonable, and the land cursed. 
Because even though I’d like to read it now

as an obvious metaphor for mindless consumption 
and American greed, I’m afraid that I’ll be eight

again, pressed into the couch cushions, convinced
that I could call my worst fears into life,

and certain that if they came no one would breach 
the lip of the attic door to rescue me.

:: The One About the Haunted House ::

At first, the jokes we made about the ghost 
were jokes, our way of laughing off the lights 
that turned on by themselves in empty rooms 
and the pictures that kept falling from the walls. 
Neither of us believed in ghosts, but we named 
ours Bobby, after the former occupant.
Oh, that’s just Bobby, we’d tell our dinner guests 
when the range hood fan began its frantic spin. 
We’d explain how it all could be explained – 
faulty wiring, shoddy nails – and besides, 
he didn’t die here but in a nursing home.
We didn’t believe in ghosts but by all accounts 
ours was a kind man when alive (we learned 
he’d been married once to a local politician
not known for being kind), and the haunting, if 
it was a haunting, seemed less malevolent 
than bewildered. Neither of us believed 
in ghosts, then things got louder and stranger,
and the problem of our not believing 
seemed smaller than the problem of the ghost 
we didn’t believe in, and though I felt 
ridiculous, I bought crystals and Googled 
exorcists and tried to keep the fear 
out of my voice in front of our daughter. 
It was a joke that sent him packing: my husband 
shook a fist at the ceiling and threatened to call
the ex-wife if he acted up again, 
and just like that, the noises stopped. Our cups 
and plates no longer flew off of the shelves,
and his leaving became a kind of punchline,
though I felt a little guilty no one missed him, 
once I was certain he was really gone.

From the writer


:: Account ::

For the past few years, I’ve been writ­ing poems about home and foun­da­tions (phys­i­cal and metaphor­i­cal, sta­ble and oth­er­wise). While I’m inter­est­ed in the ways peo­ple choose to build safe spaces in the world, more often I find myself con­sid­er­ing the pre­car­i­ty of home, explor­ing things like infes­ta­tions, haunt­ings, nat­ur­al dis­as­ters, and the long reach of pover­ty or abuse across gen­er­a­tions. In a sense, these are ideas that have pre­oc­cu­pied me since I was a child in Mia­mi, Flori­da, liv­ing first in a series of apart­ments and lat­er in a house my fam­i­ly real­ly couldn’t afford. As a kid, I was con­vinced that we would lose our house, so per­haps it’s no won­der that the movie Pol­ter­geist, which I saw when I was far too young, ter­ri­fied me. When I was writ­ing “Why I Can’t Watch Pol­ter­geist,” I had to rely on syn­opses and screen­shots because I could not bring myself to see the movie again. (I’ve always had extreme­ly vivid dreams, and even watch­ing the trail­er for a hor­ror film can give me night­mares for a week.) Giv­en how ter­ri­fied I was as a kid of being dragged to the Oth­er Side through the attic trap door in my clos­et, I’m odd­ly not that fright­ened to find myself as an adult liv­ing in a house where uncan­ny things hap­pen. I’m still hes­i­tant to say that I believe in ghosts, but Bob­by – who’d tak­en his leave when I wrote “The One About the Haunt­ed House” – still shows up from time to time.

Chelsea Rath­burn is the author of three poet­ry col­lec­tions, most recent­ly Still Life with Moth­er and Knife (LSU Press, 2019), win­ner of the 2020 Eric Hof­fer Prize in Poet­ry. Her poems have appeared in Birm­ing­ham Poet­ry Review, Cop­per Nick­el, Poet­ry, the South­ern Review, and oth­er jour­nals. Born and raised in Flori­da, she has called Geor­gia home since 2001 and cur­rent­ly teach­es at Mer­cer Uni­ver­si­ty in Macon. Since 2019, she has served as the Poet Lau­re­ate of Georgia.