From the Editor’s Laptop

As has become cus­tom­ary I would like to use this space to note my grat­i­tude and praise for The Account staff who all work on a vol­un­teer basis.



A thank you to our edi­tors Lau­ren Brazeal Garza, Lyn­d­sey Ellis, Rachele Salvi­ni, and Christi­na Stod­dard. Their lead­er­ship, and thought­ful atten­tion to each and every sub­mis­sion, and mind­ful eye in craft­ing our genre sec­tions is the foun­da­tion­al core that dri­ves our mis­sion at The Account.

A spe­cial thank you to Lau­ren for cham­pi­oning our new inter­views sec­tion: such a won­der­ful addi­tion to The Account — look­ing for­ward to future editions. 

Addi­tion­al grat­i­tude to Christi­na who han­dled much of the logis­tics for this issue, and once again offered invalu­able guid­ance to myself and the pub­li­ca­tion at large. Thank you Christi­na, The Account sim­ply could not exist with­out you. 

For more infor­ma­tion on our edi­tors see below


Lau­ren Brazeal Garza, Inter­views and Reviews Editor 

Lyn­d­sey Ellis, Fic­tion Editor

Rachele Salvi­ni, Non­fic­tion Editor 

Christi­na Stod­dard, Poet­ry Edi­tor, Man­ag­ing Editor 



Praise, Grat­i­tude, and, Joy to our new assis­tant edi­tors Camille U. Adams, L. A. John­son, and Megha Nayar. Their impor­tant and mind­ful con­tri­bu­tions helped shape their respec­tive sec­tions.

Thank you for your time. It’s been won­der­ful hav­ing you as part of our com­mu­ni­ty.

For more infor­ma­tion on our assis­tant edi­tors see below


Camille U. Adams, Assis­tant CNF Editor 

A. John­son, Assis­tant Poet­ry Editor 

Megha Nayar, Assis­tant Fic­tion Edi­tor 




As always thank you to our Found­ing / Con­sult­ing Edi­tor Tyler Mills. Her sup­port allows The Account to stay acces­si­ble to our read­ers, sub­mit­ters, and the lit­er­ary world at large. I will for­ev­er be grate­ful to Tyler for trust­ing me with this space. 


For more on Tyler Mills, Found­ing / Con­sult­ing Editor



And once again, thank You Read­er.

I think the act of read­ing and writ­ing is innate­ly pri­vate, and immense­ly personal. 

I think at its best lit­er­a­ture can lan­guage the un-lan­guagable. I think lit­er­a­ture at its core has the abil­i­ty to change the read­er and writer alike. 

I know at its core The Account offers a space for the read­er and writer to sit down togeth­er in silent con­ver­sa­tion as they scroll through the pages.

That’s what excites me most about The Account: each con­tri­bu­tion offers the read­er a chance to step into the writer’s mind-space while they say Hi. Hel­lo. Wel­come. This is what’s been on my mind. 




With Joy, Till Next Year,

Sean Cho A. 


The Account