Standard Aerosol

Poetry / Nance Van Winckel

:: Standard Aerosol ::

          Gold Silence on a shelf,
               may it mutter us 
                    as riders upon a crest, 
froth at our feet, our wild spray, 
          the uppercase AH!
      	       of our were 
 	            against a wall.






From the writer

:: Account ::

I’ve been pho­tograph­ing graf­fi­ti and wall art for many years, and late­ly I’ve been exper­i­ment­ing with adding (dig­i­tal­ly) my own tiny bits of text to the “con­ver­sa­tion.” (See above.) I appre­ci­ate the in-your-face­ness of wall-writ­ing. In my dreams my poems are not on paper, in books, or online. They are on walls and appear as snip­pets of larg­er and ongo­ing exchanges. “Stan­dard Aerosol,” now the title poem for a book of graf­fi­ti-inspired poems, is, in a way, an ode to those dreams, or an homage to the graf­fer life I lead there.


Nance Van Winck­el has pub­lished six col­lec­tions of poet­ry, most recent­ly Pacif­ic Walk­ers (U. of Wash­ing­ton Press, 2013), and four col­lec­tions of short fic­tion. A nov­el in the form of a pho­to scrap­book is forth­com­ing this fall. She teach­es in the MFA in Writ­ing Pro­gram at Ver­mont Col­lege of Fine Arts. Her text-based dig­i­tal col­lage works have appeared in Cincin­nati Review, Body, PANK, Sleep­ing Fish Review, Keny­on Review Online, Poet­ry North­west, and oth­er journals.

More of her text-based dig­i­tal col­lage work may be viewed here: