Poetry / Leah Umansky
:: What’s More ::
is the merest urgency is forever that // forever urgent // forever in want // like everything now // now // like the right now // like the right now is urgently enflamed // is in a constant state of burning // is that the metaphor for reason // is that the metaphor of the day // the half-wait // the tracing // even now // even now // even // even in urgency // is it the letting-in // is it the letting out // the slow quicksaw // the giving // the giving up // and what’s more // tell me // what
From the writer
:: Account ::
This poem is an account of a relationship found and ended during this pandemic. It’s a poem about limbo, and uncertainty, and again, the heart. It often feels like everything is important in our lives right now: every emotion, every action, every reaction, every recollection and memory. This poem is an account of that urgency of the brain and the heart and the way the next thing is always looming and sometimes the best thing is to quiet the mind, quiet the heart, quiet the future and be in the now. THAT is the hardest thing to do, at least for me.
Leah Umansky is the author of two full-length collections, The Barbarous Century (Eyewear Publishing, 2018), and Domestic Uncertainties (BlazeVOX, 2013), among others. She earned her MFA in Poetry at Sarah Lawrence College and is the curator and host of The COUPLET Reading Series in NYC. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in such places as Thrush Poetry Journal, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, The New York Times, POETRY, Guernica, The Bennington Review, The Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day, Rhino, and Pleiades. She is resisting the tyrant with her every move. She can be found at www.leahumansky.com and @leah.umansky on IG.