From the Editor’s Laptop

For addi­tion­al work by the tal­ent­ed con­trib­u­tors of the Fall 2022 issue of The Account, please see the links below 

More from the Contributors

Juwon Lee 

Ben Brig­gs 

Brodie Gress 

Elisa Subin 

Olus­eye Fakinlede 

Brit­tany Ackerman

Caitlin Cow­an 

Cyd­ney Mangubat 

Heather Bar­tos

Lau­ra Valeri 

Allisa Cher­ry 

Ste­vie Edwards 

Julia Kolchin­sky Dasbach

Seth Leep­er

Jen­ny Molberg

Mark Neely

Chi­som Okafor

Sara Puoti­nen

Mag­gie Queeney

Maxwell Suzu­ki


I would be remiss not to acknowl­edge the work of our atten­tive genre edi­tors whose vital labor of cura­tion is the cen­tral core that dri­ves The Account.

For more on the editors 

Lyn­d­sey Ellis, Fic­tion Editor

Rachele Salvi­ni, Non­fic­tion Editor 

Christi­na Stod­dard, Poet­ry Edi­tor, Man­ag­ing Editor 


A spe­cial thank you to our Founding/Consulting Edi­tor Tyler Mills whose sup­port has kept the ship sail­ing, and has allowed The Account to sus­tain with an eye towards acces­si­bil­i­ty for our read­er­ship.

For more on Tyler Founding/Consulting Editor

Tyler Mills 


And thank you, to you read­er, for your thought­ful atten­tion. At a time where every moment has end­less pos­si­bil­i­ties it’s heart­en­ing to see lit­er­ary works as the start­ing point for con­ver­sa­tion, and the fore­ground for com­mu­ni­ty.

End­less Grat­i­tude,

Sean Cho A.

Edi­tor in Chief 

The Account