
Poetry / Maxwell Suzuki

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Maxwell Suzu­ki Wrestling — PDF


From the writer


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In my poet­ry, I have been obsessed with what it means to be queer, to have loved some­one, and for it to bub­ble deep with­in his­to­ry. I want­ed to chal­lenge our under­stand­ings of mas­culin­i­ty (and sex­u­al­i­ty) with­in the con­text of ancient cul­tures as well as our own; how they min­gle and diverge from each oth­er. And when learn­ing about Ancient Greece in par­tic­u­lar, I was fas­ci­nat­ed with how pow­er, as a man, was tied to sex­u­al­i­ty rather than strict­ly being about gen­der. This dimen­sion of sex­u­al­i­ty was some­thing I hadn’t thought about and want­ed to delve into that com­plex­i­ty. 

When writ­ing “Wrestling”, I decid­ed to play with space, in that I imag­ined the stan­zas as being two men inter­con­nect­ed and fight­ing for dom­i­nance. And in that dom­i­nance, there is an intrin­sic emo­tion­al fragili­ty to the wrestlers. That inti­mate phys­i­cal­i­ty through aggres­sion, I think, is the only way for some men to feel a con­nec­tion beyond them­selves. “Wrestling” under­stands these rela­tion­ships, is restrained in divulging the secrets of the wrestlers, and works to reveal their queer sub­tleties. 

Maxwell Suzu­ki is a queer writer who lives in Los Ange­les. Maxwells work has appeared or is forth­com­ing in CRAFT, Lunch Tick­et, ANMLY, and trampset. He is writ­ing a nov­el on the gen­er­a­tional dis­con­nect between Japan­ese Amer­i­can immi­grants and their chil­dren.