Poetry Comics

Poetry Comics / Bianca Stone

:: Bliss ::



:: Bliss ::

Bliss (1)



From the writer

:: Account ::

Some ques­tions we have about life—no doubt we want them answered. The expe­ri­ence of bliss, in par­tic­u­lar, that nev­er comes when we seek it out, but comes uninvited—these images med­i­tate on this anti-pur­suit. Lit­tle empa­thet­ic night­mares that aren’t so bad; the pink women are a cho­rus; oth­ers are green and white in the chaos wait­ing for bliss to come back. It’s because my broth­er gave me a book by J. Krish­na­mur­ti Com­men­taries on Liv­ing. And that fused with Brassaï’s Paris Noc­turne, and it all hap­pened on my cof­fee table, cov­ered with my evening things. The miss­ing final pan­el should say: empathize completely.


Bian­ca Stone is a poet and visu­al artist. Her books include the poet­ry col­lec­tion Some­one Else’s Wed­ding Vows (Tin House/Octopus Books, 2014), and Antigo­nick, a hybrid col­lab­o­ra­tion with Anne Car­son (New Direc­tions, 2012). She is co-founder and edi­tor of the press Monk Books, and she runs the Ruth Stone Foun­da­tion in Ver­mont and Brook­lyn. The Select­ed Poet­ry Comics is forth­com­ing from Pleiades Books.